Dragonball Online Mouse Pointer Blue

วันศุกร์ที่ 14 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555

Visual Stimulus Comprehension EX

*Visuals can be a picteures on their own or combined with words to convey meaning.

*Symbols,signs,maps,diagrams and storyboards use visuals for a purpose.
*All visuals contain a message. The message could be interpreted as a story,a warning,
an advertisement or as information to educate or influence people to buy something or to take some action.

Understanding Symbols and Signs

Symbols are internationally recognised visuals with a clear message.
*They are understood by people everywhere, no matter what language they speak.
Look at these familiar symbols used at airports, on road signs, etc, and their meanings.

*Signs use symbols, colors, words or numbers to convey a message.
*Read signs can be a warning for driver safety (yellow signs),
orders to be followed
(red signs), or additional information (green signs).
*A sign with a cross through it signifies something cannot be done.
